digital art zagrebacka banka cz online
We introduced the dual display of prices and monetary amounts in HRK and EUR for consumers as a part of our preparations for the adoption of the euro. The dual display will remain in force until the end of 2023. The fixed conversion rate of HRK 7.53450 per EUR is displayed in addition to the dual display.
Quick, simple and affordable - manage your finances, make payments and do business with the Bank from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer with Internet access and a token (m-token or a physical token) which you get when arranging the
Banking (e-) can be arranged in any branch. The only requirement is that you have a current account with the Bank. It is ready for use right away.
Pdf) Fair Value Accounting And Management Opportunism On Earnings Management In Banking Sector: First Evidence
Arranging and using the service for users of Moderan and Aktivan Platni asistent package and for users of Package for the Youth
All you need is a computer with Internet access and a token (m-token or a physical token) which you get when arranging the e- service. It is recommended to use Windows10or later operating systems (minimal 8.1.), and Internet Explorer11 or later browser versions. Furthermore, e- has been optimized for Firefox and Google Chrome Internet browsers (minimal browser versions are Google Chrome64 and Mozilla FireFox 36).
Select m-token in the m- application on your mobile device and enter the PIN you specified when activating m-token. In the main menu of m-token, select “OTP (APPLI1)” which will open a window containing a token serial number and OTP (one-time password), which are required for logging in to e-. On the log-in page of e- for retail users, enter the required data from your m-token in fields “Token serial number” (“Broj tokena”) and “OTP (APPLI1)” and then select “Log in” (“Prijava”).
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In the main menu, select “e-Payments” (“e-plaćanja”) – “Payments” (“Plaćanja”) and select “Domestic payments” (“Plaćanja u eurima u zemlji”). Enter the required data into the payment order and select “Prepare order” (“Pripremi”). Confirm the transaction using your token.
When entering an order, select the required date of execution. Confirm the order by entering the MAC and conduct the payment – the order will be executed on the specified date.
You can create payment templates for orders that you frequently pay to the same recipient (for example, utility bills and other monthly bills). After you create a specific payment template, you can use it for future payments. You will only need to enter the items which have changed compared to the stored template (usually, the payment amount or reference number). You will notice that e- saves your time because you do not have to fill in entire orders over and over again. You can assign a name to each template to easily find them when paying bills next time.
Prostor 29[2021] 1[61] By Prostor Online
Using e- you can make a term deposit, arrange i-Račun service for utility bills or arrange standing orders or direct debit – all that is only a few clicks away!
If you need to consult a banker, using e- you can chat with e-banker who will answer all your questions and, if necessary, set up an appointment in your preferred branch.
Zagrebačka banka continuously takes care of the security of operation via Internet banking by applying the latest protection technologies and implementing preventive measures to protect each and every element of its services, and thus ensure the maximum protection against misuse.
Report By Deloitte: Fintech In Cee Region 2016
Users access Internet banking using a token device or the m-token mobile application. Operational security of e- is guaranteed by data coding and the application of a token or m-token accessed by entering a PIN.
The website uses cookies. Necessary cookies are required for the functioning of the website. Other cookies enable visitor tracking in order to improve our services and provide a better marketing experience. If you reject other cookies, our website may work differently and its use may be less convenient.
Ovi kolačići su neophodni za funkcioniranje web stranice i ne mogu se isključiti u našem sustavu. Obično se postavljaju samo kao reakcija na vašu radnju koja predstavlja zahtjev za uslugom, kao što je postavljanje vaših postavki privatnosti, prijavljivanje ili popunjavanje obrazaca.
Deal List 2021
Ovi kolačići omogućuju nam da računamo posjete i izvore prometa, kako bismo mogli izmjeriti i poboljšati performanse naših stranica. Oni nam pomažu da znamo koje su podstranice najpopularnije ili najmanje posjećene, te kako se posjetitelji ponašaju po web stranici. Sve informacije koje ovi kolačići prikupljaju su agregirani a time i anonimizirani. Ako spriječite te kolačiće, nećemo znati kada ste posjetili našu web stranicu.
Anj - Anj kolačić sadrži podatke koji označavaju da li se ID kolačića sinkronizira s našim partnerima. ID sinkronizacija omogućuje našim partnerima korištenje svojih podataka izvan platforme na platformi.
Sess - Kolačić sesije sadrži jednu ne-jedinstvenu vrijednost: "1". Platforma se koristi za testiranje je li preglednik konfiguriran za prihvaćanje kolačića iz aplikacije AppNexus.
Get M Zaba
Icu - Kolačić se koristi za odabir oglasa i ograničavanje broja prikaza određenog oglasa. Sadrži informacije poput broja prikaza oglasa, nedavnog prikazivanja oglasa ili broja prikazanih oglasa