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Clicking on the Edit Game option in the left navigation bar of the Game Page allows moderators to configure and set up their leaderboards. The first tab is the Info tab and is home to a number of options to configure the leaderboard.

Name is the display name of the leaderboard. This is the name by which it can be found using the navigation bar at the top of .

Editing A Leaderboard - Digital Art Wikipedia Speedrun Leaderboard Template Printable

The Twitch Name is the name of the game as it's shown in the Twitch directory and could be slightly different from the name used on . This allows users who are currently streaming using a matching game name to have their streams appear in the Streams tab accessible through the left navigation bar of the leaderboard.

Leaderboard Sample [10].

In the Categories tab, a moderator can create categories on the leaderboard and set up leaderboard rules. Categories should be kept distinct. Each one should have a unique objective to warrant being its own category. Category names should be kept short and be made explicit to their objective. Example: “Any%” refers to the goal of a game's completion regardless of how much is unlocked.

Main Rules: These contain the leaderboard’s main rules, and are to be applied to all leaderboard full-game categories as well as individual level (categories). Category-specific rules should further specify rules that apply to a unique category. Main rules should ideally be as exhaustive and extensive as possible, although a rule should only be considered a ‘Main Rule’ if it’s a rule that applies to a large majority of the board, if not the entire leaderboard.

Full-game categories: These are categories that apply to the extent of the full game and should be created with objectives in which a user plays the full game (or at least most of it), as opposed to an individual level of a game. Click the New category button to create a new category.

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The Arrow keys can be used to change the order of the categories on the leaderboard. The category at the top will always display the first category when clicking the leaderboard and starts on the left side of the leaderboard.

Clicking the vertical ellipsis (three dots) icon will reveal two more options: Edit Category and Delete Category. Delete Category will give a prompt- warning a moderator that deleting the category will also delete any runs associated with it.

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Individual levels (ILs) refer to tracking individual levels of a full game and consists of a player completing a single level as fast as possible. What dictates an “individual level” differs from game to game.

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Individual level categories should be used to further split individual levels into different, unique categories, as demonstrated in the example above. Subcategories from individual level categories can be further defined within the board’s Variables tab, and can be applied to single levels or All levels.

Under the vertical ellipsis, unique rules can be set for both ILs and ILCs. Note that the board’s Main Rules also apply under the IL and ILC rules.

Wiki Speedrun - Digital Art Wikipedia Speedrun Leaderboard Template Printable

While the Default View of your leaderboard is Full Game at the bottom of the Edit Game option, ILs can be found in the left navigation bar at the main page of the leaderboard.

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In the Moderators tab, leaderboard moderators can be added and removed as well as have their level of control on the leaderboard adjusted. Only Regular and Super Moderators can view this page, and permissions of Super moderators can not be adjusted by Regular moderators. All moderator permissions can be reviewed in the Moderator Rules.

Under the Variables tab moderators can create extra variables for the leaderboard to track. Variables can be used in a number of ways, such as to allow users to insert a custom, unique variable during their submission or to split categories further into Sub categories

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Adding variables should be handled with care as it further separates categories, creating multiple new sub categories when applied to every category or individual levels, and should therefore be properly considered before applying to a category or even a leaderboard in general.

Leader Board Series

Variables can be a confusing aspect when handling leaderboards. recommends approaching Site staff if a moderator or community has questions about how these work before applying them to the leaderboard.

Click on the New Variable button to start creating the first variable. In this particular example, the objective is to create a variable that lets us track a Difficulty option in a .

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After creating a new variable, a value is necessary. The values in this case will be Easy, Normal, and Hard as these are the three difficulty values that will be tracked.

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